Candle light adjustable Incense Burner 天平
高 Diamenter: 11cm 重 Weight:199g 只適用蠟燭 Tea Candle use only. 德國設計及進口, 印度製造 Designed and Imported from Germany, Made in India 手工制, 高質銅料。 Handcrafted with high quality brass, and weighty 德國進口,手工制高質料銅香爐,放乳香爐層可較高低,使用蠟燭加熱,非常方便。爐邊有精緻花紋。 使用建議:由於香爐為全金屬,使用中香爐會好熱, 請勿直接用手觸碰。使用時蠟燭火大細會有變, 請多留意。黑乳香燒熱後較流質, 不建議放網上直接燃燒,可加錫紙,或放置於小型金屬器皿內再放香爐上加熱。 懷孕期間請先咨詢專業意見, 懷孕期間請勿使用沒藥 We strongly advice to seek professional advice before use during pregnancy, please avoid myrrh during pregnancy. ** 懷孕其間請慎用一切香品, 請先咨詢醫生意見, 勿胡亂使用. ** We strongly advice to seek professional advice before use during pregnancy, some ingredients might cause miscarriage. 只限香薰用途, For external use only 使用時保持空氣流通較佳 Use in areas with good ventilation 如出現過敏或不適請立即停止使用及求診 If you experience allegry, please stop immediately and seek for medical help. 可組裝成套裝,請參考選項。 *燃點時香爐溫度會非常高, 切勿直接用手觸碰。切勿留下未熄滅炭粒,以免發生火警。 Height Adjustable Incense Burner has been a best seller in the shop. It is easy to manage, with adjustable height of the upper level, using tea cup candle for heating up. The base has delicate decoration, elegant and practical. Sets available, please see selection menu for options. *Please be very careful when using charcoal, DO NOT leave it unattened while in usage. DO NOT come into direct contact with burner while in usage, burners will get sizzling hot.