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Frankincense, Myrrh

Sourced directly from Oman, our frankincense and myrrh are of the highest quality. Located along the ancient Spice Route, Oman has been famous for frankincense and myrrh for centuries. Frankincense and myrrh were also known to be the gift for baby Jesus from the Three Wise Kings, and were also used as cosmetic by the royalties in ancient Egypt. Having that said it means that the history of frankincense and myrrh can be dated back to more than 5000 years! Now we can all enjoy the alluring aroma from the resins, and we held high respect to mother nature for this amazing gift. The most popular we have in stock is the Royal Hojari Green, which has a sweet taste to it, and is described as THE aroma of frankincense. To have a change of taste occasionally, we recommend the Brown and the Black Sacra, which have a more citrusy taste to them, with Black sacra stronger and sweeter than the Brown comparatively. We strongly recommend consulting the doctor first before usage during pregnancy.

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乳香, 沒藥


乳香係源自於一種名叫 Boswellia Sacra 既樹木, 削下一片樹皮後會流出帶香氣樹脂, 待樹脂成熟凝固後就變成乳香, 中間全無人工加工過程. Boswellia Sacra 生長於也門, 阿曼, 及索馬利亞, 當中以位於古代Spice Route 既阿曼為最大出產國, 並以其高品質及嚴謹樹木保育及管理而聞名. 乳香加熱後會散發出好香好自然既香氣, 氣味帶甜, 沒藥與乳香相似, 樹木學名為 Commiphora Myrrha, 加熱後香味帶神秘感, 非常有趣. 乳香和沒藥有接近5000年歷史, 係古埃及以及聖經中都有記載, 係一種非常古老既物料.

​Free Shipping for orders over $500 within Hong Kong

購物過$500可享本地免郵優惠, 可寄順豐站及智能櫃

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